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"Expect, Implement, Transform!" 

Dr. Markenya L. Williams

Happy Family Portrait


The Panacea Consulting Firm LLC fully understands the diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice challenges within school communities and institutions.  We are here to support leaders, educators, students, parents and activists as they navigate uncharted territory, comply with federal & state mandates, create healthy culture/climates, and implement best practices for students’ growth, dismantle inequitable systems and adequately serve historically underrepresented and marginalized communities. 

Small Strokes

“Education is for improving the lives of others, and for leaving the [community and] world better than you found it.”

Marian Wright Edelman

Small Strokes


Culture & Climate Support
Culture & Climate Support

Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity Trainings and Workshops

Compliance, Interventions, &
Program Developments
Compliance, Interventions, &
Program Developments

Chronic Absenteeism Interventions

Restorative Practices

PBIS Implementation

MTSS Implementation

Early Childhood Program Effectiveness & Compliance

Teacher Assisting a Student
Coaching, Mentoring, & Tutoring Assistance
Coaching, Mentoring, & Tutoring Assistance

Teacher Development & Mentoring

Private Student Tutoring

Parent University Coaching and Workshops: COVID-19 Edition

Youth Mentoring

Doctoral Studies & Program Completion Coaching

Small Strokes

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."

Frederick Douglas


Meet the Founder

Dr. Markenya L . Williams

Dr. Markenya L. Williams is a Chicagoan with great Southside pride.  She has been an educator since 2005 and is an active member of the NAACP and NAN, a proud Board Member of the Illinois Principals Association (Kishwaukee Region) & Burst Into Books Inc. (Chicago).  Dr. Williams is an Assistant Professor and one of the inaugural Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Faculty Fellows at Harper College.  Furthermore, Dr. Williams has held multiple positions and titles throughout her career: teacher’s assistant, teacher, grade level team leader, private tutor, preschool site director, technology coordinator, Local School Council (LSC) member, PBIS coach, attendance team leader, MTSS co-coordinator, assistant principal, diversity & equity chairperson, consultant and much more.


Dr. Williams firmly believes that individuals from underrepresented and historically marginalized communities can succeed with adequate resources, experiences, and committed stakeholders who believe in high expectations, self-reflection, continuous self-improvement and institutional reconstruction .

Small Strokes

"Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace."


Typing on a Computer

Dr. Williams is an exemplary educator and her educational leadership skills are stellar. She has helped me create and execute numerous initiatives within my nonprofit. I always seek her wisdom and input when designing curriculum. Dr. Williams is definitely an asset to my board, organization, and the community.


J. Gorham, Founder/President

Burst Into Books, Chicago, IL

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